Navigation, Tags, and Contact Info
Places I write
Tags I use
- Meta: #Writing #FirstDraft #NSFW #Series #SFW #Commission
- Series: #BeatPreyLove #BPL #HotDarkLove #HLD #Battlemaje #BM #Volition #WyldeBlueWander #WBW
- Genres: #Fiction #NonFiction #Romance #Fantasy #SciFi
- Ingredients: #Action #Sex #Fight #Magic #Superheroes #Kink #BDSM #Gender #Sexuality #MartialArts #Boxing #MMA
Contact Me
Ongoing Stories
- Beat, Prey, Love (WIP, also still moving stories over from Deviant Art) BPL 1.1: One Dark and Sweaty Night BPL 3.5: Unraveling Your Mystery
- Wylde Blue Wander (WIP) Ch 1: Two Fists and a Dream
- Hot, Dark, Love (WIP) Work Date
- Battlemage: The Stranger's Ambition (WIP) Heavier Ordinance
- Aether Rifts: Late Bloomer Coming Soon