
I just noticed this blog was missing an About page!

I created Lucifer Orbis to write pretty much about anything. I already have a blog about video games but have been feeling the need to write about other things even though I enjoy having a space to write about the games I've been playing. I still don't know why I do this – I just want to!

Here I will write mostly about the books I'm reading, music, myself, people, the spirit, the world, anything. I don't want it to be a place where I have to limit myself to one subject or to limit myself at all. Let's bring light to everything and see where it takes us! I think it's a good starting point for a blog.

For now, I'm opting for numbered posts instead of descriptive titles. Also, absence of images. I think the idea of “only words to illustrate images” will become an interesting writing exercise. Let's see how it goes. Nothing is set in stone yet or will ever be.

This blog doesn't have space for comments or likes. It's a special place located between the online and the offline world. I find the simplicity very appealing, not because I try to avoid people (after all, I write for someone, the very few of you who have been walking with me) but because many things can be found in the absence of other things. Let's embrace them.

About me

I'm just a person, I promise. I'm not very bright but I perform as if I were. I like to write but I'm not particularly good at it. I'm an archivist as if it's something someone is, not something one actually does. Most professions still have an identity attached to them and it's silly. I love History because it's what I studied and I still do it in my spare time. I love languages, words and video games. I'm into sci-fi/fantasy books, historical fiction and academic essays about philosophy, theology and the Middle Ages. I don't feel like I belong anywhere but I later learned that few of us really do. I'm not certain about anything, I don't look for the truth, and I think arrogance hinders the capture of new ideas and new knowledge. I find the most beautiful things in the darkest of places at great spiritual cost. When I'm sad I look straight into my cat's eyes and I see God. If God's hungry, I feed Him.