Registration is currently closed.

You can always sign up on another instance.

ABOUT is a community of writers who value privacy, autonomy, and creative writing – and, most importantly, we reject corporate interests and monetary incentives. We aim to be a no-pressure, polite community from all walks of life, away from the ten-thousand-word user agreements of corporate-controlled platforms.

Our core tenets include: cool is subjective, endless introspection, fearless expression, money corrupts without exception, and the golden rule is the closest you’re going to get to perfection.

Anything goes: poetry, prose, music reviews, essays, movie critiques, research papers, video game analysis, lyrics, entire novels, short stories, play scripts – I could keep going, but I think you get the point. We only ask that you treat your blog as a creative effort, not a microblog – and that, on top of the golden rule, you try to follow the community guidelines.


Registration has been set to invite only in an effort to thwart spam/bot accounts.

If you would like to start a blog at, please reach out to the admin directly on Mastodon or via email at (don't worry, he's nice – usually).

Please take a look at our community guidelines before requesting an invitation.