

anime / audio essays / artwork / autobiographical / books / computer games / essays / ethics / fiction / fragments / handwritten / mognet / music / notes / poetry / short stories / religion / reviews

The Egg [novel]:

Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4


Armored Core VI / Breath of Fire IV / Capcom vs. SNK / Counter-Strike / Dark Cloud / Dragon Quest Monsters / Fast Food Tycoon / Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles / Final Fantasy Tactics Advance / Final Fantasy 7 / Final Fantasy 12 / Grand Theft Auto: Vice City / Halo 2 / Infinite Space / Landstalker / Legend of the River King / Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo / Mario Golf / Morrowind / Pajama Sam / Phantasy Star Online / Popful Mail / Powerpuff Girls / RollerCoaster Tycoon / Romancing SaGa / Romancing SaGa 2 / SaGa 1 (The Final Fantasy Legend) / SaGa 2 (Final Fantasy Legend II) / SaGa 3 (Final Fantasy Legend III) / Sengoku Rance / Shiren the Wanderer 5 / Tactics Ogre


Arctic Monkeys / Ariel Pink / The Associates / Black Marble / The Boo Radleys / Cursive / Cocteau Twins / The Cribs / David Sylvian / Felt / Guided By Voices / Helium / My Bloody Valentine / Ride / SEATBELTS / Slow Pulp / The Soft Boys / Stereolab / Talk Talk / The Telescopes / Teenage Fanclub


The Hobbit / Intermezzo / The Pale King

List of Works:

This is a list of what I consider to be significant essays/stories I've written. Several works are not listed here, many are hiding within the tags above.