anime / audio essays / artwork / autobiographical / books / computer games / essays / ethics / fiction / fragments / handwritten / mognet / music / notes / poetry / short stories / religion / reviews
The Egg [novel]:
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4
Armored Core VI / Breath of Fire IV / Capcom vs. SNK / Counter-Strike / Dark Cloud / Dragon Quest Monsters / Fast Food Tycoon / Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles / Final Fantasy Tactics Advance / Final Fantasy 7 / Final Fantasy 12 / Grand Theft Auto: Vice City / Halo 2 / Infinite Space / Landstalker / Legend of the River King / Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo / Mario Golf / Morrowind / Pajama Sam / Phantasy Star Online / Popful Mail / Powerpuff Girls / RollerCoaster Tycoon / Romancing SaGa / Romancing SaGa 2 / SaGa 1 (The Final Fantasy Legend) / SaGa 2 (Final Fantasy Legend II) / SaGa 3 (Final Fantasy Legend III) / Sengoku Rance / Shiren the Wanderer 5 / Tactics Ogre
Arctic Monkeys / Ariel Pink / The Associates / Black Marble / The Boo Radleys / Cursive / Cocteau Twins / The Cribs / David Sylvian / Felt / Guided By Voices / Helium / My Bloody Valentine / Ride / SEATBELTS / Slow Pulp / The Soft Boys / Stereolab / Talk Talk / The Telescopes / Teenage Fanclub
The Hobbit / Intermezzo / The Pale King
List of Works:
This is a list of what I consider to be significant essays/stories I've written. Several works are not listed here, many are hiding within the tags above.
- 253 West 27th Street
- 621: Quoth the Raven
- A Matter of Perspective or: A Landstalker Retrospective
- All My Homies Love White Freckles, but They All Hate Ariel Pink
- Artificial Sweeteners, Sarcasm, and Cynicism
- Become Immersive
- Bag Boy Bolero or: A Measured Critique of Anarcho-Capitalism
- The Boy and the Brown Bear
- Chief Executive Slaughterer
- The Colour of Vice City Sunsets
- CORPORATE DRAGON SLAYER or: Writing Is Punk Rock
- The Cribs (2004), The Cribs
- Destination Ivalice
- Dionysus: Death
- The Dirt of Luck (1995), Helium
- Do the Collapse (1999), Guided By Voices
- Ecstasy and Wine (1989), My Bloody Valentine
- The Electric Why
- Embrace the Darkness
- Father Son Reunion
- The Final Fantasy Legend – So Begins Our SaGa
- Final Fantasy Legend II – Save the World
- Final Fantasy Legend III – Now Featuring Chrono Trigger
- Final Fantasy XII – A Comprehensive Review
- Fishing for God
- Forrest’s Totally Official Review of Armored Core VI W/ Numerical Score Value
- Forever Since Breakfast (1986), Guided By Voices
- Four-Calendar Café (1993), Cocteau Twins
- The Gaming-Miasma Complex
- Game Over, a Popful Mail Thing
- The Ghosts of 27th Street
- Gods Among Men and Mer or: SOTHA SIL IS DEAD
- The Great Pizza Wars
- Here Be Dragons or: NUCLEAR YINYANG
- I'm Not an Addict
- I Wanna Destroy You
- Infinite Potential, Infinite Space
- It’s Immaterial (2016), Black Marble
- Kill All Monsters
- Lost in the Miasma
- mognet#1 | re: social media
- mognet#2 | re: re: social media
- mognet#3 | re: Psycho Wand, My Beloved or: mmos, addiction, writing
- My Time in Arcadia
- No Disc (1998), SEATBELTS
- On the Phenomenon Known as Love
- The Party’s Over (1982), Talk Talk
- Please Kill Me, a Romancing SaGa Analysis
- Psycho Wand, My Beloved
- Quarter Circle Meltdown
- The Ritual of the Hunt
- Secrets of the Beehive (1987), David Sylvian
- Sengoku Rance and Radical Empathy
- Shiren the Wanderer – Fate, Fortune, and Tanuki
- Something Tookish
- Stories About Building Giant Robots
- Tactics Ogre: Reborn – Ruminations on Resentment, Regret, and Retribution
- This Is Not a Safe Place (2019), Ride
- Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino (2018), Arctic Monkeys
- The Ugly Organ Is the Brain
- Yard (2023), Slow Pulp
- The World’s Greatest Theme Park